A la Croisée des Mondes
Philip Pullman


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     Cittàgazze is the name of the city where Lyra and Will first meet in The Subtle Knife. It is also the name of our website, gathering point of French readers of the trilogy, created in March 2002.

     Managed by readers something-of-addicted to the trilogy, Città provides a wide range of informations and all the latest news related to Philip Pullman, his books and their various adaptations in any format (movie, TV, series, comics, stageplay, radio...), with a primary interest in the universe of His Dark Materials. Our team met or interviewed Philip Pullman in various occasions over the years, but also discussed with many people related to our field of interest (illustrators, filmmakers, SFX artists, scriptwriters...) and took part to various events, including book releases and set visits of both The Golden Compass movie and His Dark Materials TV-series. Contests are organized from time to time for our members.

     Cittàgazze is also a community: on our forum boards, our members discuss about Pullman's books and their philosophy as well as many other topics related to their everyday life. The community, created almost twenty years ago, has met in the real world almost every years since 2004 to celebrate Midsummer's Day by having a picnic near a bench in a public park...

     Cittàgazze is the French reference reader-website regarding Philip Pullman's books, being sometimes contacted by teachers or cultural organisms in search for infos about the books.

You are very welcome on Cittàgazze.

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