A la Croisée des Mondes
Philip Pullman


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  • Main characters

Lyra (Credits: Bzd Wolf)
     Lyra, 12, lives in Jordan College among professors and scholars. Her uncle, Lord Asriel, visits her regularly to ensure she's well looked after in the college. A few days after her rescue of his life, her best friend disapears and a gorgeous lady comes to visit: she wants Lyra to follow her in London to become her assistant and go to the North.
Will (Credits: Bzd Wolf)
     At the very same age, Will has to care about his mother, who suffers from mental disorders. He also lives in Oxford, but in our world. Lonely and serious, he escapes after having accidentaly killed a burglar in his house. He will soon find his way to another world where he will meet Lyra and understand she might help him in his quest for this missing father.
Iorek (Credits: Bzd Wolf)
     Iorek Byrnison is an outcast king among panserbjørnes, the armoured bears of Svalbard, following a trick of his rival Iofur. He lives in Trollesund where the citizens stole his armour and give him alcohol in exchange for work. When Lyra finds a way to bring him back his armour, he will take a contract with the child and protect her in her quest for her lost friend Roger.
Mrs Coulter (Credits: Bzd Wolf)
     Marisa Coulter is beautiful, seducing and mesmerizing. When she comes to Jordan College, she offers Lyra to follow her as her assistant in London. But behind her lovely blond-or-black-haired face is in fact hidden the head of the General Oblation Board, who has been kidnapping children all over the country. Lyra will soon learn more about the past of this terrifying lady...


Découvrez le DVD de la Boussole d'Or
